Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021

Trail Creek Outfitters Earth Day Celebration

Trail Creek Outfitters is committed to supporting organizations that make our world a better place. On this Earth Day, we invite you to celebrate our brands and local initiatives that are striving to keep our planet healthy.

We choose socially responsible brands that are worth investing in not just because of their great quality, but also because of their dedication to protecting the environment and passion for giving back to the community.

We believe that in order to be responsible members of our community, we must make it our priority to give back. In the past, we've contributed a percentage of our sales to local non-profits including Brandywine Conservancy, The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County, Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, and Stroud Water Research Center, among others.

We continue to take part in local and national initiatives, including being a planting partner with tentree. This year we planted 7,500 trees thanks to your purchases.

Thank you for being a part of our community. On this Earth Day, let’s gear up, get outside, and do some good! #earthday2021

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