Celebrating 38 Years of Outfitting Your Adventures

Celebrating 38 Years of Outfitting Your Adventures


March 23rd, 1983 – March 23rd, 2021

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

— Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens penned these seminal words over 150 years ago, but they could easily apply today. As we mark our 38th anniversary during this extraordinary year, we could certainly dwell on the worst of times. We have faced physical suffering, mental and emotional stress, financial hardships, and political division. However, as an independent, local outdoor retailer, we prefer to focus on the spring of hope and the upcoming season of light.

With your help, our loyal customers, we have made it through another trip around the sun. We kept our staff employed. We stayed true to our mission to give back; and through our 1% for Kennett program, we contributed to the Kennett Library and now, The Garage. In continuing with our commitment to the local community, 1% of our February Glen Mills sales went to The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County and Stroud Water Research. We updated our website and now offer free local delivery and curbside pickup.

Many of you discovered the joys of getting outside. Our local preserves and parks saw record visitation. Many of you tried new adventures. The outdoors became a refuge to escape the despair in the headlines. We are anxious to help you get out and explore all the wonderful delights that the outdoors offers. And now, as we embark on another year in business and the promise of the new spring season, we are ready to outfit your next adventure.

We are glass half full kind of people. Thank you for your belief in a local business and we appreciate all that you do to fill our cup and the light that you shine when you walk into our doors.

We look forward to seeing you soon. We have missed you.


Joanne Havertine & Ed Camelli

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