Outfitting your adventures since 1983

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About Us

Trail Creek Outfitters is a leading outdoor gear retailer with a simple mission:

To outfit your adventures with the best outdoor products from the highest quality brands while giving back to our local community.
Since 1983, we've provided the Brandywine Valley - located just outside of Philadelphia - with outdoor apparel, shoes, and accessories from the industry's best brands. 
Our flagship store is in Glen Mills, PA and our satellite location in Kennett Square, PA. Stop by to outfit your next adventure!

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Trail Creek Outfitters is more than a store. Our staff can recommend the jacket that will keep you dry in the Scottish Highlands, the hiking boot that will give you the best traction and support on your next climb in the Tetons, or the shirt that will keep the bugs and sun away on your kayak in the Keys.

Good service is rare today and we like to think we are the exception. However, it is still not enough. Each year, we proudly support organizations in our local community through various events and initiatives.

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